Legal Information

Head office:

  • Langoiran 33550

    Postal address:

  • B.P. 35
    Langoiran 33550


  • +33556676154



    Website development:

Graphics of this website:

  • Youmna Asseily
  • Vit-e

Website Maintenance:

Hosting of this website:

Photographs of this website:

Website ownership:

This website,, (the Site) is the property of SARL Les Vignobles du Biac, with the head office located at Château Biac, 19 Route de la Ruasse, Langoiran 33550, France.

Intellectual property rights:
The “Site Content” which includes the overall structure, texts, images whether animated or not, drawings, photographs, videos (with or without sound) and slogans, is the property of Château Biac. All use or reproduction of the Site, whether in part or in full, by whatever means, without the prior permission of Château Biac, is forbidden, and would constitute an offence under articles L335-2 et al by the French Code of Intellectual Property.

Authorization for reproduction of contents in electronic format:
To put a link in place with the website or to reproduce contents (texts, graphics, illustrations) in electronic format (Web, Intranet, CD-ROM, …) appearing on the website,, address your request by e-mail.

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